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Downloading and Loading LEGO Programs

Programs on OneKitProjects can be downloaded and loaded directly on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Some common configurations are described below.


iPhone or iPad (Use Safari)
  1. Make sure you have the LEGO MINDSTORMS Inventor app (made by LEGO) installed on the device.

  2. From a project page on OneKitPrograms, scroll down to the Programming section and tap the Download button.

  3. The program(s) will download, but nothing will load automatically. If the project has multiple programs, they will all download.

  4. Using the built-in Files app on your device, find and open your Downloads folder, which is typically under iCloud Drive at the top of the Browse hierarchy.

  5. The downloaded program(s) will be in a single zip file (compressed folder) that starts with the name of the project. Tap the zip file to open ("unzip") it. A new folder will appear with the same name as the zip file. 

  6. Tap the new folder to open it. You should see a LEGO MINDSTORMS (.lms) file for each program in the project.

  7. Tap the program file you want, and it should open in the LEGO MINDSTORMS Inventor app on your phone, ready to run or download to your robot.



Note: The default file manager app on Samsung devices (and possibly other devices) may fail to open a MINDSTORMS program file. Follow the steps below to open it another way.

  1. Make sure you have the LEGO MINDSTORMS Inventor app (made by LEGO) installed on the device.

  2. Also install the Files by Google file manager app (made by Google). 

  3. From a project page on OneKitPrograms, scroll down to the Programming section and tap the Download button.

  4. Do NOT tap on the popup to open the download after it finishes. Instead, switch out and run the Files by Google app to open it as below explained.

  5. In the Downloads section, the downloaded program(s) will be in a single zip file (compressed folder) that starts with the name of the project. Tap the zip file, then tap Extract then Done to open ("unzip") it. The individual program file(s) (.lms) will then appear in the Downloads section. 

  6. Tap the program file you want, and it should open in the LEGO MINDSTORMS Inventor app on your phone, ready to run or download to your robot.


Mac Computer
  1. Make sure you have the LEGO MINDSTORMS Inventor application (made by LEGO) installed on your computer.

  2. From a project page on OneKitPrograms, scroll down to the Programming section and tap the Download button.

  3. Your browser will download the program(s), but nothing will load automatically. If the project has multiple programs, they will all download.

  4. Click on the new download in your browser's downloads bar or open your Downloads folder using the Finder or dock shortcut.

  5. The downloaded program(s) will be in a single zip file (compressed folder) that starts with the name of the project. Double-click the zip file to open ("unzip") it. A new folder will appear with the same name as the zip file. 

  6. Double-click the new folder to open it. You should see a LEGO MINDSTORMS (.lms) file for each program in the project.

  7. Double-click the program file you want, and it should open in the LEGO MINDSTORMS Inventor application, ready to run or download to your robot.


Windows PC 

(These instructions are for Windows 10)

  1. Make sure you have the LEGO MINDSTORMS Inventor application (made by LEGO) installed on your computer.

  2. From a project page on OneKitPrograms, scroll down to the Programming section and tap the Download button.

  3. Your browser will download the program(s), but nothing will load automatically. If the project has multiple programs, they will all download.

  4. Click on the new download in your browser's downloads bar or open your Downloads folder.

  5. The downloaded program(s) will be in a single zip file (compressed folder) that starts with the name of the project. If you see a single zip file then right-click the zip file and pick Extract All to extract the files into a folder. Or if the zip file opened automatically to preview the files inside then right-click in the empty space of the preview folder and pick Extract All. Choose a location for the extracted folder. 

  6. Open the new folder if it doesn't open automatically. You should see a LEGO MINDSTORMS (.lms) file for each program in the project.

  7. Double-click the program file you want. If asked how to open it, pick the MINDSTORMS app. The program should open in the LEGO MINDSTORMS Inventor application, ready to run or download to your robot.

© 2021-2023 by Dave Parker

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