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Pull Press Twist Game

This game was inspired by the original Bop It toy from the 1990s. You can pull the teal knob, press (bop) the big button, and twist the wheel. You need to react to sound cues and do the correct action that corresponds to the sound. A series of sounds is picked randomly, and the required reaction time gradually gets faster. How many can you get before you make a mistake or take too long?

A single player program counts your correct actions and displays that as your score at the end. A slightly different multi-player program instructs you to pass the game to another player after 6 correct actions and then it continues. Try not to be the one who makes it fail! 

The sound cues for this game are 3 quick rising tones for Pull, two matching tones for Press, and 3 quick falling tones for Twist. Listen carefully and react as fast as you can!

Building Instructions

Pull Press Twist Game


© 2021-2023 by Dave Parker

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